21 centruy Skills | Eline

My 21st century Skills


Learning Java with codecademy

When I started my first year at IMD, programming was brand new to me. Java was the first programming language we had to learn and it was difficult for me becaus I had absolutely no experience with it, but that does not mean that I have to give up quickly. To improve in Java, I followed an online Java course in codecademy. It explains the basics well and I have to solve small excercises. It gives me a great feeling that I understand programming.

Developing an app with PHP & SQL

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages for a while and as a webdesigner, I need the basic knowledge. I am currently developing an app. The concept of the app is an online history book in wich you can earn points by reading a topic and taking tests. I work with a database wich I store and retain the topics and registered users. I use SQL for that. Sometimes I feel frustrated when I have errors, but otherwise I enjoy it a lot. I rather like learning PHP than Java.

Critical Thinking

Review apps

I regulary follow the latest and most popular apps and I like to try them out. On my other website, I write a reviews about apps in my blog. I discuss various aspects of the app such as concept, UI, technolgy, etc. With this, I consider what are the do's and don'ts for apps. You can find my reviews on www.eline.one/blog


Drawing cartoon characters

Since I was a kid, I love to draw. I like to draw cartoon characters and animals. I can occupy myself with this for hours and it makes my mind and spirit calm. Because of my passion for drawing, I find it incredibly cool to design wallpapers, logos and short comics in the future. You can see a lot of my drawings on my Instagram

I am drawing

Writing a fiction novel

I am a very dreamy type. My head is full of fantasy and I like to challenge myself to write stories. Since November 2019, I have started writing on a novel in the genre fantasty and adventure. You can read the first chapter here

Social & Cultural skills

Volunteer in animal protection

Since 2017, I started my volunteer work in the animal protection. I work there as a cat caretaker. I clean their cages, give them food and drink and socialize them. I have also gained a lot of knowledge how animal shelters work. I would find it very interesting to make projects for animal organizations in the future.

t-shirt en badge dierenbescherming

Problem solving

Making posters and flyers for events

My mother is a member of the Korneel folk dance. They organized a bal in october 2019 and needed a poster and flyer for that. The person did not like to make the posters and flyers in Microsoft Word, just like last year, because it was impractical and annoying. This is why I was commissioned to make the poster and flyer with adobe illustrator.
Not much later, I received another order from my mother to make a poster, but then for her workplace "CBE open school". They organized a three-day trip to the sea for the students.

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